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The world experienced the COVID-19 pandemic together, but that experience was not universal.

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Individual experiences of the pandemic were very much shaped by the places where we live.

At the macro level, public health restrictions varied from city to city, region to region. The pandemic’s isolating effects were felt more profoundly in places that were already geographically isolated.

At the micro level, access to outdoor public infrastructure and opportunities for immersion in nature were significant predictors of mental health outcomes during shelter-in-place orders.

Canadian Geographic is inviting Canadians to share their unique experience of the pandemic as it was influenced by place.

We are seeking short written submissions, still images and/or video clips that reflect the breadth of Canadians’ pandemic experiences, from empty streetscapes to outdoor escapes, individual coping strategies to community outreach.

Select the pins on the map to explore stories from across Canada.


Share Your Story

As the world learns to live with COVID-19, Canadians can reflect on how we have coped with and adapted to the challenges of living in a pandemic. For some, public health restrictions and limitations on travel became invitations to spend more time outdoors, enriching our awareness of and re-establishing our connection with the natural world. Others engaged in activities closer to home, such as baking, gardening, or taking daily walks.

We invite you to share your pandemic experience with other Canadians. How did you respond to the challenges of the pandemic? How is your story reflective of the part of Canada you call home? What did you discover about yourself or your environment?

Fill out the form below and tell us your story. Feel free to upload photos and/or video clips that illustrate your experience. Acceptable file formats for photos include jpg or png. Videos must be uploaded in mp4 or mov file format. Maximum file size 256 MB.

Tell us about your submission(s)
City and Province or GPS Coordinates
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Max. file size: 256 MB.
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    Education Resources

    The following resources have been designed for educators with students in Grades 7-12 who are interested in learning about visual storytelling, photography and videography.

    Students will explore examples and case studies from Canadian Geographic and other media organizations before learning how to craft their own narratives in the form of a photo essay or video vignette.

    Essential Questions

    • How did local geography affect your experience of the COVID-19 pandemic?
    • What adjustments did you have to make during the COVID-19 pandemic?
    • What has changed and/or what is new in your life as a result of the pandemic?
    • What places have been particularly meaningful to you and why?

    Learning Goals

    • Students will discover the power of visual storytelling in the form of photography and videography.
    • Students will learn about and put into practice basic photography and videography skills.
    • Students will understand how geography affects our individual experiences.
    • Students will create their own photo essay or video vignette focusing on their experience of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Time needed
    8 class periods of 75 minutes (can be adjusted for shorter periods)

    Materials needed

    • Electronic devices with internet access
    • Electronic devices with camera functionality (e.g., smart phones, tablets with cameras, or digital cameras)

    Connections to the Canadian Geography Learning Framework
    Concepts of geographic thinking

    • Interrelationships
    • Spatial significance
    • Geographic perspective

    Geoinquiry process

    • Formulating questions
    • Organization
    • Interpretation and analysis
    • Evaluation and conclusions
    • Communication
    Lesson 1 Introduction: The power of visual storytelling

    Students will be introduced to photography and videography. They will consider how they learn about the world and what captures their interest and attention online. Through a series of activities, students will explore the power of visual storytelling, in particular photojournalism and documentary photography.

    Lesson 2 Exploration: Photography and videography 101

    Students will learn basic photography and videography skills, specifically focusing on composition and planning. They will practice composition techniques through a series of activities. Students will also explore examples of photography and videography to better understand visual storytelling.

    Lesson 3 Investigation: Placing the pandemic in perspective

    Students will read a selection of stories from Canadian Geographic about the COVID-19 pandemic and analyze them in group discussions. They will put into practice skills related to creating a shot list or storyboarding by brainstorming ways to tell these stories visually.

    Lesson 4 Action: Telling your own story

    Students will create their own project for visual storytelling, either as a photo essay or a video vignette. They will focus on their experience of the COVID-19 pandemic or choose a perspective/narrative on the pandemic that they want to explore further.

    Lesson 5 Reflection: The finished product

    Students will share their work with the rest of the class and discuss their creative process. They will discuss their thought process and what they learned from the experience. To conclude, students will consider how digital literacy and integrity is important for engaging with online content.


    About This Website

    Placing the Pandemic in Perspective is a living archive of the experiences, reflections and achievements of Canadians in the face of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Anchored by an interactive map of community submissions, Placing the Pandemic in Perspective reflects our national pandemic experience, celebrates our resilience, and helps us chart a path forward. Through this initiative, Canadians are invited to discover and share what we have learned from a wide array of unique and diverse perspectives. Other elements of the project, including a series of short films, resources for educators, and locations and dates for an interactive, in-person exhibit, will be added to this site over the coming months. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Government of Canada in bringing this project to life.


    Video Vignettes

    Sed congue sem quis dui cursus euismod vitae vel tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus risus velit, facilisis et consequat eget, dignissim a lorem. Nunc pretium diam vel risus porta convallis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas accumsan sapien vel urna egestas ultrices. Integer ut lectus consequat, sagittis orci nec, dignissim ex.

    Proin ac nisi pharetra, fringilla lorem et, molestie est. Vestibulum at justo eu dui rhoncus viverra vel ut ligula. Proin ultrices aliquam lacus, sed pharetra metus sodales nec. Morbi commodo sapien vel mi molestie tempus. Phasellus lobortis interdum tellus, sed sodales odio mollis sollicitudin. Suspendisse ac nisl interdum, placerat lorem at, fringilla enim. Quisque id elit in justo sagittis scelerisque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer et nisi ante. Cras mollis ac enim quis commodo. Vestibulum congue eu massa sit amet luctus. Proin volutpat lacinia nisi, nec sollicitudin neque luctus pellentesque.

    Etiam in ullamcorper augue, eu placerat tortor. Quisque fermentum finibus orci eget auctor. Curabitur id nibh ac leo pretium rutrum in eu orci. Maecenas consectetur dui dui, at pretium sapien suscipit at. Fusce nec placerat tortor, sed pellentesque tellus. Maecenas et interdum orci. Nulla interdum ut sapien vitae iaculis. Aliquam sagittis ante at ex convallis ultrices. Nullam quis iaculis odio. Nunc placerat ut augue sagittis euismod. Maecenas egestas dictum efficitur.


    Stories From The Pandemic
